Welcome to the Creative and Wacky World of Suzy Toronto
Suzy Toronto’s Tingle Boots Coloring Book
by Suzy Toronto
October 2017
Media Contact
Elizabeth Martins
Phone: 717.283.2833
Email: emartins@foxchapelpublishing.com
“Pretending to be normal day after day is exhausting. Wouldn’t you agree?” says Suzy Toronto. Toronto is a self-proclaimed “wacky” woman, and she wants others to embrace their inner wackiness too. In fact, she’s created an entire art brand that speaks (mostly) to women, inspiring them to embrace their rarity, goofiness, and everything that makes them unique—no matter how silly it may seem.
Toronto works out of her home studio in Smyrna Beach, Florida where she creates playful and distinctive artwork for a variety of products—from mugs to coloring books to cell phone covers and everything in between. Her newest creations come in the form of adult coloring books with her latest book, Tingle Boots, stating loud and proud that “life is better in boots.”
In Tingle Boots, Suzy Toronto’s full-of-fun and ready-to-color designs are accompanied by zestful quotes from the artist herself. Some of the quotes boot-addicts can relate to—”I am helplessly, hopelessly addicted to boots”—and others speak to women who are cowgirls at heart—”It’s not easy being a cowgirl, but if the boot fits.” Each page springs to life with Toronto’s powerful driving message that it’s far better to follow the beat of your own drum. “Release your inner child and believe in yourself again,” Toronto says. “There’s more inside you than you ever dreamed possible!”
Four additional books comprise this coloring book series, each with its own empowering theme: Friendship Coloring Book, https://foxchapelpublishing.com/sisterhood-coloring-book.html, Inspiration & Encouragement Coloring Book, and Light & Laughter Coloring Book.
In addition to creating cheerful and heartwarming products, Toronto also advocates on behalf of breast cancer survivors. Some of her product funds benefit cancer research. Ultimately, Toronto’s goal is to continue empowering women. “We believe in women. We uplift women. We empower women. And we support women whenever and however we can,” she says.
About Suzy Toronto
Best-selling artist and writer Suzy Toronto’s distinctive artwork and inspiring words celebrate life, family, and the special bond between girlfriends. For two decades her distinctive artwork and humorous wisdom have been popular gift items. Suzy Toronto products are sold in more than 3,000 stores. Her signature drawings of madcap women with wild hair and brightly colored attire can be found on greeting cards, calendars, bookmarks, magnets, and more. Suzy is the author of 10 books, including The Sacred Sisterhood of Wonderful Wacky Women and Live a Life Worth Loving
About Fox Chapel Publishing
Fox Chapel Publishing inspires and informs readers who enjoy a wide variety of hobbies, crafts, and
lifestyle interests. The company specializes in illustrated nonfiction with a focus on artisan and high-quality craft books. Fox Chapel publishes more than 1,200 book titles and three quarterly magazines, including DO Magazine, the #1 coloring magazine in its class. The publisher’s imprints include Design Originals, IMM Lifestyle Books, and Creative Homeowner. For more information, please visit foxchapelpublishing.com.
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