New Book Shares Tips on How to Grow Indoor Food Year Round

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Lancaster, PA — The pandemic has shaped the way amateur gardeners grow food. With more time at home, many people have turned to gardening for relaxation. “Gardening may be a rare positive trend to emerge from the crippling pandemic,” said Diane Blazek, executive director of the U.S. industry group National Garden Bureau. 

For those just getting started, it can be intimidating to know where to start. That’s where business owner and veteran Kim Roman steps in. Known for her square-foot-gardening model (the idea that you can grow multiple vegetables in just one square foot), Roman teaches new gardeners the basics of gardening. 

This practice sparked the name of her gardening business—Square Foot Gardening 4 U.”The goal is to get beginning gardeners up and running quickly and easily, while challenging intermediate and experienced veggie gardeners to push the limit to get the maximum harvest using the least space possible,” Roman says. 

Roman is the author of a new book called How to Garden Indoors & Grow Your Own Food Year Round (Creative Homeowner, March 2022). From growing vegetables, microgreens, and herbs to hydroponic gardening, troubleshooting, and more, Roman’s guide provides expert guidance on how to grow fresh produce all year-round, no matter where you live. With expert tips on composting, container gardening for both root and above ground vegetables, fermentation, and more, Roman provides a one-stop shop on everything gardeners need to know about indoor food production and how to maximize indoor space.


Media Contact

Elizabeth Martins

Phone: 717.283.2833
