Celebrate Spring with a Salad Box Container

How To Create a Salad Box Planter

By Alex Mitchell in the Beginner’s Garden

Grow your salad right out your window! All it takes to grow a perpetually delicious salad bar is an outside windowsill and containers.

Take one large window box with drainage holes, add a layer of crocks to the bottom of the box, and fill almost to the top with all-purpose potting mix and voila, you’re ready to go. For a sunny windowsill…

You will need:

  • 1 packet of radish seed such as ‘French Breakfast’
  • 1 packet of arugula (rocket) seed
  • 1 packet of mixed lettuce seed 30 minute


Roughly dividing the box into three portions, thinly sprinkle the radish, arugula and lettuce seed onto the mix. Cover with a thin layer of mix, water well and place on a sunny, sheltered windowsill. Keep moist. When the seedlings emerge, thin the radishes to 1 in. (3 cm) apart. Harvest by cutting the arugula and lettuce leaves above the smallest new leaf, and the radishes by pulling them up when they are big enough to eat.

For more tips, projects, and gardening advice check out the Beginner’s Garden Book.

Beginner's Garden

Written for the weekend gardener, this book will help you grow your own food without taking over your busy life. Author Alex Mitchell will have you chuckling at her gardening wit while giving you the best tips and ideas to grow the most popular plants from herbs to vegetables and fruit while maintaining an attractive yard for entertaining.

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