Introducing Happy Fox, a New Children’s Book Imprint by Fox Chapel Publishing
February 2018
Media Contact
Elizabeth Martins
Phone: 717.283.2833
Email: emartins@foxchapelpublishing.com
Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies, Revised and Updated Ginger Kathrens
CompanionHouse Books
Pages: 260 pages
Form: Paperback
ISBN 978-1620082423
Retail: $19.99
East Petersburg, PA — Fox Chapel Publishing is pleased to announce a new imprint, Happy Fox, which launched January 2018 and will be led by president Alan Giagnocavo and vice president of content Christopher Reggio. The imprint will highlight the company’s children’s books with a special emphasis on birth to age ten. “Happy Fox Books will educate, excite, and help children understand the world around them,” says Reggio.
Happy Fox will launch with BigFoot Visits the Big Cities of the World and BigFoot Goes on Vacation. In these colorful seek-and-find children’s books, young readers will have fun searching for BigFoot, along with 500 other characters and objects. The books also include fun facts and educational information about various places BigFoot travels. Other titles slated to appear under Happy Fox in the fall will include two more titles in the BigFoot series—BigFoot Goes Back in Time and BigFoot Spotted at World Famous Landmarks. A celebratory launch for the series and new imprint will occur at the American International Toy Fair in New York City, February 17—20, 2018.
Happy Fox Books will educate, excite, and help children understand the
world around them
“Happy Fox books are for children and all of those who enjoy beautifully illustrated books,” says Giagnocavo. “As the name Happy Fox suggests, our books will be fun and created with the purpose of bringing happiness to our readers.”
We believe we have a unique perspective and competency to successfully bring our children’s line to market.
Fox Chapel Publishing is best known as a publisher of craft books, and Happy Fox is its first effort to target the children’s market. The company saw recent success with its craft and other non-fiction titles geared towards a younger audience. Most notably, Notebook Doodles Super Cute Coloring & Activity Book by Jess Volinski became a best-seller with Baker and Taylor this year and continues to exceed expectations. Giagnocavo is mindful of a competitive children’s book market ahead but feels completely prepared saying, “we believe we have a unique perspective and competency to successfully bring our children’s line to market.”
Upcoming Titles from Happy Fox Books
BigFoot Goes On Vacation
Available now!
6-12 years • Hardcover • 48 pages • 978-1641240000
BigFoot Visits the Big Cities of the World
Available now!
6-12 years • Hardcover • 48 pages • 978-1641240017
BigFoot Spotted at World Famous Landmarks
Available now!
6-12 years • Hardcover • 48 pages • 978-1641240000
BigFoot Goes Back in Time
Available now!
6-12 years • Hardcover • 48 pages • 978-1641240000
About Fox Chapel Publishing
Fox Chapel Publishing inspires and informs readers who enjoy a wide variety of hobbies, crafts, and lifestyle interests. The company specializes in illustrated nonfiction with a focus on artisan and high quality craft books. Fox Chapel publishes more than 1,200 book titles and three quarterly magazines, including DO Magazine, the #1 coloring magazine in its class. The publisher’s imprints include Design Originals, IMM Lifestyle Books, and Creative Homeowner. For more information, please visit
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